Package-level declarations

Entry point of the plugin. Contains main classes, shared classes, and helper classes.


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data class Box<T : Any>(val generator: () -> T, var value: T? = null)

A lazily-instantiated reference to an object of type T.

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object Bundle

Simple accessor for working with internationalized strings.

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enum CapitalizationMode(val transform: (String, Random) -> String) : Enum<CapitalizationMode>

A mode in which a word should be capitalized.

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class DataGenerationException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : Exception

Thrown if a random datum could not be generated.

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abstract class DecoratorScheme : Scheme

Transparently extends or alters the functionality of a Scheme with a decorating function.

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internal class ErrorReporter : ErrorReportSubmitter

Reports exceptions on GitHub.

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private class GitHubReporter

Knows how to report IssueData to GitHub.

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private object GitHubScrambler

A GitHub authentication token that is slightly scrambled (and NOT SECURE).

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object Icons

Basic Randomness icons.

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abstract class InsertAction(val repeat: Boolean = false, val text: String, description: String? = null, icon: Icon? = null) : AnAction

Inserts strings in the editor.

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private class IssueData(val events: List<IdeaLoggingEvent>, val additionalInfo: String?, val pluginDescriptor: PluginDescriptor)

Contains a variety of metadata on an issue to report, and knows how to format the issue in a textual form.

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internal class Notifier : ProjectActivity

Displays notifications when a project is opened.

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data class OverlayedIcon(val base: Icon, val overlays: List<Icon> = emptyList()) : Icon

An icon with various icons displayed on top of it as overlays.

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data class OverlayIcon(val base: Icon, val background: Icon? = null) : Icon

An overlay icon, which can be displayed on top of other icons.

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internal class PersistentSettings : PersistentStateComponent<Element>

The persistent Settings instance, stored as an Element to allow custom conversion for backwards compatibility.

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class PopupAction : AnAction

Shows a popup for all available Randomness actions.

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class RadialColorReplacementFilter(val colors: List<Color>, val center: Pair<Int, Int>? = null) : RGBImageFilter

Replaces all colors with one of colors depending on the angle relative to center.

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abstract class Scheme : State

A scheme is a State that is also a configurable random number generator.

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abstract class SchemeEditor<S : Scheme>(val scheme: S) : Disposable

An editor for a Scheme.

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data class Settings(var version: String = CURRENT_VERSION, val templateList: TemplateList = TemplateList()) : State

Contains references to various State objects.

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private class SimpleAbstractAction(val myActionPerformed: (ActionEvent?) -> Unit) : AbstractAction

An AbstractAction that uses myActionPerformed as the implementation of its actionPerformed method.

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abstract class State

A state holds variables that can be configured, validated, copied, and loaded.

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object Timely

Functions relating to time-limited behavior.

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data class TypeIcon(val base: Icon, val text: String, val colors: List<Color>) : Icon

A colored icon with some text in it.


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fun Element.addProperty(name: String, value: String? = null)

Adds a property with given name and value.

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fun Element.getMultiProperty(name: String): List<Element>

Returns all children with attribute name="[name]".

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fun Element.getProperty(name: String): Element?

Returns the single child with attribute name="[name]", or null if there is not exactly one such child.

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fun Element.getPropertyByPath(vararg names: String?): Element?

Traverses a path of Elements based on their names by monadically either calling getProperty (if the name is not null) or taking the single child (if the name is null).

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fun Element.getPropertyValue(name: String): String?

Returns the value of the value attribute of property name, or null if the property does not exist or if the property has no value.

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fun Element.getSchemes(): List<Element>

Assuming this is the Element representation of a Settings instance, returns the list of Elements of the contained com.fwdekker.randomness.Schemes.

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fun Element.getTemplateList(): Element?

Assuming this is the Element representation of a Settings instance, returns the Element of the contained com.fwdekker.randomness.template.TemplateList, or null if no such Element could be found.

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fun Element.getTemplates(): List<Element>

Assuming this is the Element representation of a Settings instance, returns the list of Elements of the contained com.fwdekker.randomness.template.Templates.

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fun String.matchesFormat(format: String, vararg args: String): Boolean

Returns true if format is a format string for this string, optionally after inserting args into format.

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fun ListPopupImpl.registerModifierActions(captionModifier: (ActionEvent?) -> String)

Registers actions such that actions can be selected while holding (combinations of) modifier keys.

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fun Element.renameProperty(oldName: String, newName: String)

Renames the property from oldName to newName.

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fun <E> MutableCollection<E>.setAll(collection: Collection<E>)

Removes all elements from this collection and adds all elements from collection.

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fun Element.setPropertyValue(name: String, value: String)

Sets the value of the value attribute of property name, or adds the property if it does not exist.

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private operator fun <E> List<List<E>>.times(other: List<List<E>>): List<List<E>>

Returns the cartesian product of this and other.

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private fun Char.toRandomCase(random: Random): Char

Randomly converts this character to uppercase or lowercase using random as a source of randomness.

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private fun String.toSentenceCase(): String

Turns the first character uppercase while all other characters become lowercase.